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You’ve probably heard a lot about IPTV streaming lately, but you may not know where to start when it comes to entering this brave new world of televised content streamed via the internet. So many of us are used to cable or satellite that it one may conclude that the juice is not worth the squeeze when it comes to IPTV. we are here to tell you that there really isn’t much of a ‘squeeze’ at all.
Getting an IPTV setup is not all that complicated. The truth is that all it really takes is three simple steps that anyone can learn how to do. It’s so easy that you can get started the moment you finish reading this article. Sound good? Then let’s find out how to get started with IPTV streaming with only three simple steps.
The very first thing you need to do is get yourself an Android TV box, which for all intents and purposes is the device that will be replacing your cable box or your satellite dish. Android boxes are the nucleus of your IPTV setup.
They have the hardware that delivers the media player and apps you’ll need to display your content as well as the built-in wi-fi to connect to your router. In other words, any TV turns into a Smart TV as long as it is linked to an Android tv.
If you selected a traditional Android TV Box, you will have to find an IPTV app to install onto it. These apps are essentially the main media players that will allow you to access your IPTV content and are easily downloaded from the Google Play store that is already installed on your TV box.
Just like with TV boxes, there is an innumerable amount of IPTV apps to choose from these days. Luckily, many of them are of high quality and are totally free. What’s important to understand is that you need to select an IPTV app that is capable of supporting m3u and epg formats so that most IPTV playlists will load properly. Our recommendation for an IPTV app is Duplex play
In order to actually get some TV content running into your Android TV box and IPTV app, you’re gonna need a subscription to actually acquire said content in the first place. That’s where an we comes into play.
Set Up The m3u Link in the IPTV Application
Once you have an IPTV subscription you will receive something called an m3u link. This link is what will officially connect your IPTV app and authenticate your TV box for receiving the IPTV content you paid for. The m3u link looks something like this:
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